Learn how to master Facebook ads

Who is this for?
Small businesses just starting out with Facebook Ads

What is this about?
Facebook ads allow you to target a specific audience.
This makes it a popular marketing method, because you can reach just customers in a particular demographic, such as age, location or interests.
Small businesses regularly ask us for help with Facebook Ads so we’ve collected the questions they ask most, and our favourite resources from our partners, volunteers, and other experts to answer them. You’ll also find great mentors and events for more support. Instead of spending hours on Google and watching countless videos, make this your first port of call.
Learn about Facebook ads
This learning journey shows you where to start with Facebook ads, how to create a campaign on a budget and the templates you can use. Pick and choose the resources you need or complete all of the activities in just under an hour.
Digital Marketing Mentors
Get help and ideas for how you can reach, engage, and convert potential customers using ads, SEO, content, email, social media, and more. Talk 1:1 about your Digital Marketing challenges with volunteer Digital Marketing mentors - for free.
Digital Marketing Events
Join expert volunteers and your fellow founders for interactive, small group discussions about digital marketing, to share best practices and experiences.
There are no events under this topic at the moment
Further Support
Continue learning about digital marketing with these key tools and resources.
Success Stories
Hear from small businesses who have gotten help with their businesses from Digital Boost.
Related Learning
Continue growing your business with these on-demand toolkits.