How it works


Delivered in bite-size sessions over six weeks online, so you can fit it into your schedule


Learn from the Buy Women Built community of female founders of consumer brands


Build a plan to take your business idea into reality, with practical steps you can take away


Connect with a community of peers and get 1:1 help from mentors


Support doesn’t end after six weeks - ongoing mentoring, workshops and resources help you bring the plan to life


Fully funded thanks to the generosity of our partners

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Join the waitlist to be the first to hear when our next programme will run!

Programme Agenda

Week 1: Are you ready?

Tuesday 4th June @ 11am
Getting into the right mindset to start your entrepreneurial journey.

Week 2: Immerse yourself

Tuesday 11th June @ 11am
Diving in to research your idea and focus in on who your customers will be.

Week 3: Create your plan

Tuesday 18th June @ 11am
Taking the first steps towards writing your business plan.

Week 4: Let's talk about money

Tuesday 25th June @ 11am
Figure out how much money you'll need and how you'll fund it.

Week 5: Take it to the world

Tuesday 2nd July @ 11am
Bring your idea to reality. Build your products, brand and digital presence.

Week 6: Making it happen

Tuesday 9th July @ 11am
Drive sales and stay on track whilst looking after yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Digital Boost and Buy Women Built?

Digital Boost provides free, personalised support to anyone who wants to start or grow a business. We do this through a community of 4,000+ friendly volunteer mentors and regular workshop and events on our online platform. To date, we’ve supported nearly 10,000 people to start and grow businesses, 60% who identify as female.

Buy Women Built is a consumer movement to shine a light on female founded brands, showing who they are and why buying from them creates a stronger, fairer economy to inspire future generations of women. BWB has a community with over 1000 female founders of consumer brands with a combined turnover of £1.5 billion.

We both believe that women make great entrepreneurs, but are often held back by the fear of leaping into the unknown. We’ve joined forces to change that, giving women the confidence, support and networks to take the leap. 💖

Why are you doing this?

There are 30% fewer female entrepreneurs in the UK than in the US.

If women started businesses at the same rate as in other developed countries we would add an extra £200 billion to the UK economy and create a stronger and fairer society.

But we know that women are less likely than men to know other entrepreneurs, or have access to mentors or support networks. They also tend to be more logistically constrained.

So while many women may dream of starting a business, for many, it just doesn’t feel like a realistic or accessible path – and the fear of the unknown stops them from taking the leap.

To close the gap in female entrepreneurship we must change perceptions about what it means to be an entrepreneur – and inspire & enable more women to follow that path.

We’ve joined forces to do just that, giving women not just process and tools, but also proof from the UK’s top female entrepreneurs and support from mentors and peers.

We’ve designed the programme to be highly flexible and accessible to all – with a real focus on action – so anyone can do it.

Let’s Begin together.

How many hours do I need to commit to the course?

The course is six weeks long with one 90-minute online session a week. Outside of that, we’ll give you some preparation activities and homework so you can keep making progress on your idea and turn it into a reality! Replays and self-guided resources will also be available so you can go at your own pace, but you’ll get the most out of the programme if you can attend the live sessions, as that’s where you’ll share with peers, get feedback and more 🚀

What is included in the course?

In addition to the live sessions, we’ll give you:

  • Inspiring case studies and tips from successful female founders in the Buy Women Built community
  • A step-by-step process, with the tools, structure and guidance to make a plan
  • Peer support and feedback from other women on a similar journey
  • Unlimited 1:1 mentoring (100% free of charge!)
  • Support beyond the 6 weeks, including ongoing events, mentoring and more to help you make your plan a reality
Who can apply?

If you identify as a female in the UK and you have an idea for a consumer-facing business, we would love for you to apply! We want to help you turn your idea for a business into a reality 🚀

How much does it cost?

This programme is 100% free! Thanks to support from our partners including NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland, The Scottish Government Pathways Pre-Start Fund, Mastercard Strive UK, and our volunteer mentors, we are able to offer our services 100% free of charge 🤩

Our Partners

Supported by the Scottish Government Pathways Pre-Start Fund.