How to set priorities

1. Take a step back

The first step is to pause. We often hear ‘I don’t have time to prioritise!’ The truth is, prioritisation is a time-saving strategy in itself. Take time to make a list of everything you’re working on – or considering doing. This will help you weigh priorities against each other.

2. Assess each task

Quickly review your list and assess each item based on how much resource is required and how much will it help you achieve your vision. Don’t overthink it. The better you have defined your vision and goals, the easier this will be.

3. Make choices

Based on your assessment, assign each task a priority level (e.g., do first, don’t do, etc.). Do the high-priority tasks first. Consider delegating lower priority tasks or postponing them. Share your priorities with others to stay accountable.

4. Say no

Be clear on the what you won’t do and stick with it. It’s hard to say no to ourselves but we can’t do everything.

5. Repeat!

Do this exercise regularly. It doesn’t need to take a lot of time – a half hour once a week can save you much more and keep you focused.

Find a mentor to help you prioritise

Edward F.
Advisor - EJF Group
Nishanth L.
- British Telecommunications PLC
Karolina M.
Senior Marketing Strategist - kmac digital