From Entrepreneur to Employer: How to grow your team


Your small business is growing and you think you might be ready to bring some extra hands on board to ease the workload 💪

But if you’ve never hired before, the process can feel pretty daunting right? Don’t worry, this beginner’s guide will take you from entrepreneur to employer in no time 🚀

Review your business strategy

This will help you figure out what gaps you need to fill and how those will feed into your overall business goals

Develop job descriptions

Once you know what roles you need to fill, now you can start creating job descriptions! Make sure you’re super clear about the responsibilities, qualifications, and skills you’re looking for with each role.

Share your job roles

Get your jobs in front of the right candidates so that you can attract the best talent ✅

Here are some websites you might find handy:

Remember to leverage your network! There may be amazing referrals that your network can connect you with 🤝

Screen candidates

Spend some extra time on this step, making sure anyone you choose to talk to has all the skills and qualities you’re looking for in your ideal candidate!

Hold interviews

Now for the fun part! It’s time to schedule interviews with your most promising candidates.

Make sure you have a list of questions prepared to help you decide whether your candidates are the right fit for the roles you’re looking to fill.

💡 Top Tips

  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Don’t be afraid of silence – your candidates will need time to think carefully about your questions!
  • Dig deeper – help your candidates to shine by asking them to expand on any vague or short answers so that you can really asses their skillset

Once you’ve completed interviews, you’ll be ready to check references, make an offer and look forward to onboarding your brand new employee 🎉

Hiring employees can be a big step for a solopreneur, but it can also be very rewarding and can take a huge amount off your plate as you grow your business 🚀

If you’re beginning your hiring journey, why not book a 1:1 mentoring session with one of our HR experts? They’ll be able to walk you through this process and provide advice to help you succeed 💪

Want to learn more? Watch our step-by-step Masterclass on hiring your first employee 🎉

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