Digital Boost: Free 1-to-1 Support For Startups, Small Businesses & Charities


Digital Boost is a free non-profit online platform that supports people who work at small businesses and charities to get the essential digital advice and guidance they need to grow their businesses.

It’s easy to get free, unlimited 1:1 online conversations with volunteer expert mentors to:

  • Sense-check strategies
  • Bounce ideas off the pros
  • Get fast answers to pressing questions or issues
  • Keep up to date on the latest trends and technologies

Digital Boost also offers hands-on workshops covering topics such as SEO, Facebook Ads, payment systems, and much more, as well as a resource library packed with tools and courses.

All Digital Boost services are FREE for people who work at small businesses and charities. This is thanks to the generosity of expert volunteers from leading organisations such as Google, BT, Vodafone, Visa, Bloomberg, and more. Digital Boost currently has more than 2,300 volunteers covering 55 different topics including Branding, Digital Marketing, Customer Service, E-Commerce, Data Analytics, Security and Data Protection, Payments and Money Mgmt. 

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