The Women Behind Digital Boost


We’re a small but mighty team and today we wanted to introduce some of the women behind Digital Boost! 

From product testers and developers to marketers, the women in Digital Boost keep the wheels turning to deliver all our amazing services 🎉

Come meet them here 👇


Meet Karen, the Managing Director of Digital Boost 👋

She leads our team and makes sure we’re delivering an amazing service whilst constantly encouraging us to dream big and reach for the stars with DB 💫

Q: What song gets you on the dance floor?

American Girl by Tom Petty

Q: What woman inspires you?

I’m inspired every day by incredible female founders…so many to choose from but Melanie Perkins springs to mind. She came up with the idea for Canva when she was just 19 years old and was apparently rejected by 100+ investors (but kept going!). Canva has levelled the playing field for small businesses making great design accessible to all. 

Q: What’s your comfort TV?

The Food Network 

Q: What’s your favourite thing about our platform?

Personalised Recommendations – we take the guesswork (and googling!) out of finding a mentor, event or learning resources – and recommend the best ones just for each business.


Say hi to Masuma, our Partnerships & Marketing manager and all-round superstar! Masuma never shies away from a project and has singlehandedly project-managed the move to our new site (which we’re pretty proud of!) – get to know Masuma here 👇

Q: What song gets you on the dance floor?

Anything by Rihanna (..or the Backstreet Boys lol)

Q: Who inspires you?

I take inspiration from the many wonderful people in my life. It sounds like a cop-out but I think everyone is inspiring. From coming over as refugees with no idea where to go or what to do, working full time while raising kids and building a home, starting and running a small business, climbing the career ladder, or just getting through the day while dealing with everything life throws at you, it’s impossible not to be inspired by anyone you meet.

Q: What’s your comfort TV?

Has to be Gossip Girl – I could watch it on repeat constantly!

Q: What do you love most about working at Digital Boost? 

I love our team so much! Everyone is so genuinely lovely and helpful and we all have the same mission – to help small businesses get support for free. It feels amazing to work for an organisation and a team that all have the same goal and just want to do something good.

Q: What’s your favourite thing about our platform?

Oooh I think it’s got to be Community Requests – I like that mentors who have some capacity can jump in and help someone.


Introducing Palak! Our superstar product tester and all-round website queen. Palak single-handly tests everything before it hits our platform, she’s got the best eye for detail and always has the best ideas of how we can improve our platform for our community! Get to know Palak here 👇

Q: What song gets you on the dance floor

Dua Lipa – Levitating

Q: Who inspires you?

Falguni Nayar, she an Indian billionaire businesswoman, who is the founder and CEO of the beauty and lifestyle retail company Nykaa. Nayar is one of two self-made female Indian billionaires.

Q: What’s your comfort TV?

All time favourite ‘Modern Family’

Q: What do you love most about working at Digital Boost?

Amazing team with great social impact

Q: What’s your favourite thing about our platform?

Community Requests!


I’m Alice, and I’m the Community Manager at Digital Boost so I’m the lucky team member who gets to speak to our lovely community and help you get the support you need 🥰 You’ll also see me on socials and our Masterclasses! Here’s a little bit about me so you can get to know me more 👇

Q: What song gets you on the dance floor?

Cliche, but it’s Abba, Dancing Queen!

Q: Who inspires you?

It’s so hard to choose, but I’ve always been incredibly inspired by Michelle Obama! I loved her book ‘Becoming’ and just think she’s such an incredible role model for so many people around the world.

Q: What’s your comfort TV?

Gossip Girl! And I’m laughing answering because I know Masuma will have said the same 🤣 It’s just so nostalgic and I loveeee all the fashion! 

Q: What do you love most about working at Digital Boost?

Hands down, the team! This is the BEST team in the world 🌎 Everyone is so unbelievably supportive, kind and collaborative. 

Q: What’s your favourite thing about our platform?

Ooo for me it’s the new shareable mentor profiles! We wanted our mentors to be able to shout even louder about the volunteering they do and it’s so cool that mentors can now share their profiles with their networks and showcase how and when they can mentor 💪


Meet Diana, she’s one of the fabulous developers bringing our platform to life.  Diana handles all of our front-end design and she makes coding look easy! She’s super talented and we love how much care and attention to detail she brings to the team – she’s always coming up with new fixes to make the experience even better for our community 💪 Get to know Diana here 👇

Q: What song gets you on the dance floor?

Levitating Dua Lipa

Q: Who inspires you?

Joe Rogan, you can find some great conversations on his podcast.

Q: What’s your comfort TV?

I don’t watch movies but I love TV shows – looking forward to the new season of Wednesday

Q: What do you love most about working at Digital Boost?

Friendly environment and product with purpose

Q: What’s your favourite thing about our platform?

Community requests!

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