Mentor Training: Lesson Four


Four common challenges with mentoring

Most mentors will come across one of these four challenges at some point in their career. What’s most important is knowing how to deal with them if they do come up.

From struggling with imposter syndrome to becoming emotionally invested in a mentee’s business, here’s how experienced mentors tackle these challenges.

What do small businesses need help with?

It isn’t always easy to picture what life is like in a small business. That can make it difficult to provide the right support and offer useful, relevant advice.

In our final video of the series, small business owner Amelia shares her challenges and long-term goals, plus the game-changing impact that a mentor has had on her business.

Bonus Resource!

Emotional Support cheat sheet

Running a small business can be lonely and overwhelming. This cheat sheet will give you some tips on how to offer emotional support to your mentees.

Download your cheat sheet

Next up: Complete your training!

Well done on getting to our fourth and final lesson 😊

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