Mentor Training: Lesson Three
Three power questions for mentors to ask
Every good mentor has a power question in their back pocket. Power questions can be used in any session to open up the conversation and give you a clearer idea of where to focus the discussion. Listen to mentors Tom, Ian and Karen share their personal power questions that work every time.
Ending your session: Turning talk into action
So you’ve run a brilliant session and given your mentee plenty of ideas on how they can move forward – but how do you end it?
The last five minutes are absolutely critical for helping your mentee turn those ideas into action. Watch this video to learn about setting action plans and how they will boost accountability.
Bonus Resource!
Power Questions cheat sheet
This cheat sheet will give you some power questions to ask your mentees about strategy and overcoming challenges!
Download your cheat sheetNext up: Lesson four
In the final lesson of our training series, you’ll learn how to overcome common challenges you might encounter when mentoring!
You’ll also get to meet Amelia, one of our Digital Boost mentees, and hear what support we’ve been able to give her as a small business owner 😊
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